It’s that time again!!
10 years ago, Claude Hamilton invited me to my first Leadership Convention. That weekend changed our lives in an amazing way. When I think about the thin threads of how we met Claude & Lana it’s scary to think where we would be if we hadn’t jumped on this LIFE journey with them. If you haven’t committed to coming to one of the 3 Conventions, I strongly suggest you do. ”What if” it has the same impact on you as it did on our lives. Here are the 3 Conventions listed below:
-January 18-19-20 in Louisville, KY
-January 25-26-27 in Visalia, CA
-& my personal favorite: January 25-26-27 in Ottawa, ON Canada!
Please watch this great video and leave a comment on how Leadership Conventions can change your life;
God bless
Joce & Cynthia